Thursday, August 5, 2010


Again, i am really sorry that i haven't had enough time to keep writing, and im a little behind, but i'll try and get everything right as soon as i possibly can.

This night started in the same fashion as many others, with us just sitting still. We were in my truck, on some street i had absolutely no idea what was. We were both in the bed, sitting down with out backs against the cab. She was so amazed at the sky, which was a weird, orangeish red color. There was no blue, or any clouds in sight. It was really beautiful, now that i think of it. There were some really exotic birds flying around, bright blue colored, some red, some green. Rainforest style birds, in what seemed to be an urban suburb. So we sat there for a while staring up at the sky, and then She leaned over to me, and said that sitting on the metal was starting to hurt. I chuckled a little, and asked her if she wanted to go walking for a while. She said that that sounded nice, so i hopped off the side of the truck and helped her down. We went walking down the street, which didn't have any houses, oddly. All the grass around the sides was neatly cut, there were flowers here and there, trees, everything you would expect in a neatly groomed neighborhood, but no houses. There were also no animals, besides the birds flying above us. The birds never made a sound, and it was wonderfully silent. After walking for a while, we came up on a small field of sunflowers, which are Her favorite flower. She giggled excitedly, and went running toward them. I laughed and chased after Her. She jumped into the thick of them. I walked in, pushing the tall flowers out of my way, and looked at her just rolling around happily. I smiled and stood there for a minute, just watching. She stopped after a bit, and just looked up at me. She told me to loosen up, and hop in. I chuckled a little, and did a big jump into them. I expected to hit ground, but it was actually really soft. I felt the ground under all the flowers, but not much. We were both laying on our backs, next to each other, and i slid my arm under her back, and kind of flipped her over onto me. She was giggling and i was laughing too, and she rolled off to my other side, and we were both laying on our sides looking at each other. She kissed me then, and then just slid back a little and lied there looking at me. We were both smiling, and the flowers felt incredibly soft. I knew it was almost over, so i spent the last of my time just sitting there looking at her, loving the sunshine and the sounds of birds. But, too soon, i woke up in my room, once again back to life.


  1. Your dreamscapes sound so beautiful.
    I want to dream again.

  2. It's amazing how much you remember.

  3. I noticed that you capitalize Her, does she have a name?

  4. @themptychild That has always surprised me too. But, i do keep a journal next to my bed, and every morning when i wake up i write every detail i can remember down, and i forget them later on, but i just read it to refresh my memory.

    @tiffany No, i have never learned her name. I just capitalize Her and She because i think of them as titles, since i don't know a name,

  5. Beautiful. Dreamer, would She take offence if you asked her name?
    Do you know any of Her history? Such as family, childhood.

  6. Yeah I can't remember shit when it comes to my dreams, just enough for me to say "the fuck was I dreaming about?"

    Post moar? :(

  7. just found this in the archives, I wonder how OP is doing...
