Monday, August 2, 2010


Okay, so i think a big thing i need to point out for this entry, is that before i went to sleep i hurt my back really really bad. To the point where today i can hardly walk, and have to lock my chair sitting straight up.

But anyway, things started in the middle of a field. It was really bright out, and the sun was shining like it was noon or so. There were a bunch of little critters and animals running around, more than would usually be in a field type area. Deers, bears, dogs, cats, bugs of all kinds, etc. None of them seemed to notice we were there, and payed us no mind. Now, the biggest part of the dream, was that i was in crutches. I've been in crutches before in my life, but not recently, and nothing in life has really altered my dream this much. She didn't seem to mind or care, or even notice really, and we just kept on walking. The landscape dropped and rose frequently, more than it should. It seemed almost like it was... waving and moving beneath us, not that we really cared. But we just kept on walking. Then, as we came up on top of a hill, like we'd passed multiple times, but there was a deer on top of it. See, we'd seen a lot of deer and animals lately, but none were stopped. All of them were running around. But this one was just sitting there. She said she wanted to pet it, and i told her it probably wasn't a good idea, considered we were in the wild. But She just laughed and told me not to worry, so we went up to it, and She reached out her hand. It walked forward slowly, and then started licking her hand. She giggled, and i laughed too and put my hand on its head. It was really calm and seemed tame as an animal could be. It slowly turned away from us, and trotted away. She sighed and said how beautiful of an animal it was. I agreed, and said that there were many beautiful and amazing things in the world, looking at her. She just smiled and fell back into the grass. I laughed and threw my crutches on the ground and fell back too. Just then i woke up, the fading sensation i usually get while waking up happened while i was falling into the grass. And soon enough, i was awake in my bed.

And I'm sorry for writing this so late, i woke up really late.


  1. So sweet and sentimental. It's vivifying.
    I can essentially see the environment when I'm reading this, too.

    I wish I still had a dream girl.

  2. Very sweet and beautiful...
    Looking forward to seeing more posts!

  3. It'd be sort of neat if you ever decided to turn this into some sort of book, i'd buy/read it.

    I'll try to comment on every post just so you know that you still have an audience, well even if I don't just dont stop writing.

  4. Did dreamer lose motivation?

  5. don't lose motivation OP :(

  6. Pleaseee don't lose motivation OP. Your writing is beautiful and you map out the image perfectly. I enjoy reading your writing very much, please, keep them coming!
