Thursday, August 5, 2010


Again, i am really sorry that i haven't had enough time to keep writing, and im a little behind, but i'll try and get everything right as soon as i possibly can.

This night started in the same fashion as many others, with us just sitting still. We were in my truck, on some street i had absolutely no idea what was. We were both in the bed, sitting down with out backs against the cab. She was so amazed at the sky, which was a weird, orangeish red color. There was no blue, or any clouds in sight. It was really beautiful, now that i think of it. There were some really exotic birds flying around, bright blue colored, some red, some green. Rainforest style birds, in what seemed to be an urban suburb. So we sat there for a while staring up at the sky, and then She leaned over to me, and said that sitting on the metal was starting to hurt. I chuckled a little, and asked her if she wanted to go walking for a while. She said that that sounded nice, so i hopped off the side of the truck and helped her down. We went walking down the street, which didn't have any houses, oddly. All the grass around the sides was neatly cut, there were flowers here and there, trees, everything you would expect in a neatly groomed neighborhood, but no houses. There were also no animals, besides the birds flying above us. The birds never made a sound, and it was wonderfully silent. After walking for a while, we came up on a small field of sunflowers, which are Her favorite flower. She giggled excitedly, and went running toward them. I laughed and chased after Her. She jumped into the thick of them. I walked in, pushing the tall flowers out of my way, and looked at her just rolling around happily. I smiled and stood there for a minute, just watching. She stopped after a bit, and just looked up at me. She told me to loosen up, and hop in. I chuckled a little, and did a big jump into them. I expected to hit ground, but it was actually really soft. I felt the ground under all the flowers, but not much. We were both laying on our backs, next to each other, and i slid my arm under her back, and kind of flipped her over onto me. She was giggling and i was laughing too, and she rolled off to my other side, and we were both laying on our sides looking at each other. She kissed me then, and then just slid back a little and lied there looking at me. We were both smiling, and the flowers felt incredibly soft. I knew it was almost over, so i spent the last of my time just sitting there looking at her, loving the sunshine and the sounds of birds. But, too soon, i woke up in my room, once again back to life.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Okay guys, i'm really sorry about not posting for the past... I think, two days or something? Well, i went to sleep really late the night before last, i think, and woke up at like.. 5 Pm, and then had to do a shitload of work and was up all night, and then went to sleep today at around noon, and just woke up a couple of hours ago. I'm really sorry, but i had absolutely zero time to post. So, i'm going to talk about my first dream in this post, and i'll post last nights in a little bit. I haven't forgot about you guys.

Anyway, this one started a little weirder than others, because usually we are sitting down when things start, or at least sitting still, but this one started with us walking. We were walking down a long hallway, that seemed to be made of stone. Kind of an old style, medieval hallway, with sconces and burning torches in them. The was some water dripping down from the ceiling in places, but other than that, the construction was perfect. I was wearing my normal clothes i wear around town in life, just jeans and a T shirt, and She was wearing a bright solid red dress. It was really plain, as in there were no special designs on it, it was just a silky strapless red dress. I felt a little weird begin so under dressed, but she was so calm and never said a thing about it, so i didn't let it bother me too much. She also had a sling over her arm this time, so i think She noticed how worried i was and finally started to take care of herself, which i was pleased to see. So, we kept on walking down this dark hallway, the torchlight helped, but not much. It seemed like there were only 3 or 4 rows of torches in front of us, but there were always that same number. Its almost like they appeared as we walked. After a while of walking and not saying anything, we started to pass cages. In the cages were just normal animals. Nothing deformed, scary, tortured, like you would expect in this scenario. They were just normal animals, and looked very content living life. I felt no pity for them, and they didn't want any, i could sense. She would point to some of them and giggle, at how they were running around, or rolling on the floor of her cage, things like that. I would laugh too. It was just like looking into the actual habitats of these animals. After seeing more cages than i thought i could, i started to slip away. I kissed her on the forehead, and She said goodbye, and she would see me later. I turned around, looking down the dark hallway, and then i woke up, once again inside my room.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Okay, so i think a big thing i need to point out for this entry, is that before i went to sleep i hurt my back really really bad. To the point where today i can hardly walk, and have to lock my chair sitting straight up.

But anyway, things started in the middle of a field. It was really bright out, and the sun was shining like it was noon or so. There were a bunch of little critters and animals running around, more than would usually be in a field type area. Deers, bears, dogs, cats, bugs of all kinds, etc. None of them seemed to notice we were there, and payed us no mind. Now, the biggest part of the dream, was that i was in crutches. I've been in crutches before in my life, but not recently, and nothing in life has really altered my dream this much. She didn't seem to mind or care, or even notice really, and we just kept on walking. The landscape dropped and rose frequently, more than it should. It seemed almost like it was... waving and moving beneath us, not that we really cared. But we just kept on walking. Then, as we came up on top of a hill, like we'd passed multiple times, but there was a deer on top of it. See, we'd seen a lot of deer and animals lately, but none were stopped. All of them were running around. But this one was just sitting there. She said she wanted to pet it, and i told her it probably wasn't a good idea, considered we were in the wild. But She just laughed and told me not to worry, so we went up to it, and She reached out her hand. It walked forward slowly, and then started licking her hand. She giggled, and i laughed too and put my hand on its head. It was really calm and seemed tame as an animal could be. It slowly turned away from us, and trotted away. She sighed and said how beautiful of an animal it was. I agreed, and said that there were many beautiful and amazing things in the world, looking at her. She just smiled and fell back into the grass. I laughed and threw my crutches on the ground and fell back too. Just then i woke up, the fading sensation i usually get while waking up happened while i was falling into the grass. And soon enough, i was awake in my bed.

And I'm sorry for writing this so late, i woke up really late.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Last Night

Bear with me here guys, im brand new to this.

Alright, so, im going to start at the beginning. We started out up in a very large and sturdy tree. It reminded me of the big redwoods in Yellowstone, but it was more colored like an oak tree. We were much too high up to see the ground, but i wasn't bothered by it at all. (I am extremely afraid of heights). We were sitting with my feet dangling over the edge, and she was streched out on the branch with head leaning on my shoulder. She was kindof cradleing her arm, so im assuming it is still broken. I had my hand on her hip, and we were watching as a bunch of animals were going past. Some monkeys were swinging past, tarzan style, and there were a couple groups of birds that flew by. We decided to get a better look at the birds, and started climbing. The way was really easy, it was more like a difficult staircase than climbing a tree. I don't remember the trip up higher much, just that i was always in contact with her. We finnaly got up above the huge canopy, probably as big as a football field. One branch, that reminded me of those small chinese trees, was the only thing protruding from the canopy. That's where we came up, and that branch had a hammock hanging from it. We walked along the bottom of the branch and i picked her up and placed her in the hammock gently, and then i got in. We layed there for some time, just looking at each other, or the birds flying by. And then i started to come back to life, just as the sun was setting. I woke up right as it went dark, and i was in my pitched black room.